I'm tired. So very tired. I'm at that point where my head is becoming fuzzy and I just might fall asleep standing in the kitchen. The rice is boiling. It's still early in the evening. My youngest is making that sound he does when fighting sleep. The older is laughing at Madagascar for the umpteenth time and I know any moment now he will come out roaring because he's a lion. A few moments ago I was taking a shower. Alone. Trust me when I say that it's a rare occasion that this happens and it was short-lived. My older son has the ability to strip all his clothes in seconds anytime the shower comes on. I could close the door so he can't come running in but then I would just have to listen to him bang on the door saying "come-ear Mummy..open the door Mummy". And as cute as it is to hear, it's not really peaceful. I try to finish so that he can play with the basket of toys in the bathtub. I always get in the way and he's quick to tell me to move so he can build a train of ducks, cars and fish. He's just like me. That's when it hits me..he's getting too big. For a short moment ago I was thinking about how little he is but it's now being replaced with questions left suited to be answered by Daddy. I now have a little munchkin that gives me the biggest smile that would rival that of a large-mouth bass and he can squeal on demand. He's just like his Daddy. My boys are crazy and it keeps things interesting. It's my 4th anniversary tomorrow. Sweet things are in my life. I look back and wonder how I got to this place. It doesn't take long to know it was with laughter and tears. For there have been silly words, broken toys, funny faces and cut fingers. Lots of movies and crayons, feetball and showers. But most of all, I got here with lots of "love you Mummy"
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